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    The importance of Vitamin D

    During this special and unpredictable year, with the lockdown we had experienced, many people didn’t have the possibility to enjoy the sunlight that we all need daily.

    Vitamin D helps to regulate the amount of Calcium and Phosphate in our body. These are nutrients needed to keep our bones, teeth and muscles, strong and healthy.

    The best way to get it is naturally by exposure to sunlight. Always with the proper sun protection and avoiding long periods of exposure.




    We can also get it through our diet.

    Here are some Vitamin D sources to reinforce our intake:

    – Oily fish: salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring and anchovies.

    – Egg yolks.

    – Avocado.

    – Mushrooms.

    – Red meat (better to eat low fat cuts and to limit the weekly intake).

    – Liver.

    – Fortified foods like some milks, oils, spreads and cereals.


    Take a look at “Recipes” to get a few ideas.

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