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    Zucchini spaghetti

    This is a very easy and quick recipe to make. It’s a light, healthy and yummy meal, a “pasta” dish with no carbs. In this case I used zucchini or courgettes, but you can also make them with carrots.


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    Adjust Servings
    3 medium zucchinis
    100 grs cherry tomatoes
    1 shallot (you can use onion)
    1 garlic clove
    2 spring onions
    Un handful of black olives
    Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)



    Prepare and cut the zucchinis

    Wash and dry well the zucchinis. Cut off the ends. If you have a spiralizer, it will be the easiest way to cut the spaghettis. Other option is to use the mandoline and cut them in thin stripes. You can also use the thickest part of a grater. (I personally prefer the other methods). One more way to make the spaghettis is to cut them with a knife. Make thin longitudinal slices and then thin strips.
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    Let spaghetti rest in a colander

    To avoid watery spaghettis, place them into a colander and sprinkle with some salt. Let sit them to drain for about 30 minutes. After half and hour, dry the rest of water with a paper towel.
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    Cooking time

    Cooking time is short. Personally I like the zucchini spaghettis with a crunchy texture. Place a pot with water, bring to a boil, turn the heat down to medium and add the spaghettis. Cook for about 2 or 3 minutes. Other option is to pan fry them. Place a pan with 2 tablespoons of EVOO and cook for 3 minutes, to be “al dente”. Serve immediately.
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    Add a sauce

    You can make them with many different sauces or proteins. In this case I choose a rustic tomato and olive sauce. To make it you must chopped the shallot, garlic and spring onion and place them in a pan with 2 tablespoons of EVOO. When they get golden, but not burned!, add the cherry tomatoes cut in halves. Let it cook for a couple of minutes, cut the black olives in quarters and add to the sauce. Season with salt and pepper and serve.
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    -You can add some dices of feta cheese or grated parmesan if desire.
    -You can also have the spaghetti with some protein like salmon, prawns or grilled chicken.

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