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    Wholemeal veggie and ricotta tart

    1:30 hour


    6 - 8

    This is a wholemeal based tart, healthy, full of fiber and a delicious and nutritious meal.

    In this case I’ve used all the veggies I had on my fridge. Feel free to make changes and select your favourite choices. This pastry matches perfectly with all veggies given the tart a soft texture inside and crispy on the outside.


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    -For the pastry: 1 egg
    40 ml olive oil
    50 ml semi skimmed milk
    150 grs wholemeal flour Flour quantity may differ a little, pastry texture must be slightly soft.
    50 grs self raising flour
    A pinch of salt
    -For the filling: 200 grs spinach
    100 grs asparagus
    1 large onion
    1/2 yellow capsicum
    2 garlic cloves
    50 grs grated parmesan cheese
    250 grs light ricotta



    For the pastry

    Place the egg, olive oil, milk and salt in a medium bowl. Mix the ingredients together and add the flour little by little until you get a slightly soft texture.
    Knead the dough and cover with cling film. Leave it in the fridge for 30 minutes.
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    Preheat oven and line the pastry

    Preheat oven 180ºC up and down. Remove dough from the fridge, extend it with a rolling pin and line in the tart tin with parchment paper. Prick the bottom of the pastry with a fork to avoid to puff and bake blind for 10 minutes.
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    For the filling

    Cook the spinach in a frying pan with 2 tablespoons of olive oil until wilted. Remove from the heat, chop it finely and reserve. In the same pan, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and cook the onion, garlic, capsicum and asparagus until slightly golden and soft (around 5 minutes).
    Pour the mixture in a bowl, add the spinach, the egg, the ricotta and the parmesan cheese. Season to taste and let it cool.
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    Fill the pastry case and bake

    Spread the filling over the bottom of the pastry case (previously blind baked). Bake for about 25/30 minutes until set and golden.
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