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    Tuna tart with shortcrust pastry

    1:15 hour


    6 - 8

    This is a basic in my kitchen. Shortcrust pastry is something I always make during the month. I try to double the quantity to use half of it and freeze the rest for another day.

    We like tuna at home and this is a recipe for a delicious Tuna tart.


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    -For the dough: 200 grs flour
    75 grs butter (cold and cut in small dices)
    A pinch of salt
    40 ml cold water
    -For the filling: 2 tins of canned tuna
    1/2 green capsicum
    1/2 red capsicum
    1 large onion
    200 grs crushed tomatoes
    2 garlic cloves
    1 boiled egg



    For the filling

    Chop the onion, capsicums and garlic. Put them in a frying pan with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and cook until they get soft and slightly golden. Now, is time to boil the egg in a small pot for 12 minutes. In the meantime, add the crushed tomato and stir to avoid to stick. Once the mixture has reduced, add the tuna and season with salt, pepper, paprika and oregano. Cook for a couple more minutes and add the chopped egg. Turn the heat off and leave it to rest.
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    Let it to cool and rest

    When the filling has cooled, cover and take it to the fridge until the time to fill the tart crust.
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    Make the dough

    Put the flour and salt in a bowl, make a hole in the middle and add the butter dices little by little and mix with your fingers. Once you get a crumbly texture, add the water and form the dough. Do not overwork the dough. Form a ball, cover with cling film and leave it in the fridge for 30 minutes.
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    Preheat oven and line the pastry

    Preheat oven 180º C up and down. Remove dough from the fridge, extend it with a rolling pin and line in a tart tin or mini tarts tins. Prick the bottom of the crust with a fork to avoid to puff. Fill up the tart base (or tartlets) and bake for about 30 minutes or until crust is golden.
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    -This recipe is for one 30 cm. tart or 8 tartlets.
    -For a diary free and lower fat pastry option you can use olive oil instead of butter. Proportion will be for 75 grs butter - 60 ml olive oil.
    -You can optionally use 1 egg for the dough. This will replace the water in the recipe.
    -Do not overwork the dough because it could ferment in excess. The result should be a crusty pastry.

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