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    Roasted Butternut squash and goat cheese salad

    This salad is a source of vitamins, protein, good fats and great taste! It’s also a great balance of textures and flavours! Crunchy and smooth. Sweet, sour, smoky and salty.


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    800 grs Butternut squash pumpkin
    100 grs goat cheese (you can use feta or cottage and for a diary free option tofu)
    1 cup wholegrain brown rice
    A handful roasted cashews
    100 grs baby spinach leaves
    100 grs peppery rocket (or kale)
    -For the vinaigrette: 2 tbsp honey
    1 tsp sesame seeds
    1/4 cup olive oil
    3 tbsp balsamic vinegar
    A pinch of salt
    Ground black pepper



    Cook the rice

    Firstly, rinse the rice. Add the rice to a pan of boiling water and cook on medium heat for about 30 minutes (or as directions on the package). Drain well, cover and let stand for 3 minutes. Separate the grains with a fork and reserve.
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    Roast the pumpkin

    Preheat oven 200°C. Cut the pumpkin in 2 cm cubes, lay them in a baking tray, toss them with olive oil and a tablespoon of honey, a pinch of salt and ground black pepper. Cook in the oven until golden and crispy on the edges, but still slightly firm (for about 25 minutes).
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    Prepare green leaves and roast cashews

    Add the cashews to a frying pan, stir them with a wooden spoon over low heat until they become slightly brown. Don’t let them burn. Get the green leaves prepared. Wash and dry them properly.
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    Mix the ingredients in a salad bowl and add the vinaigrette

    To finish, once pumpkin and rice are cooled to room temperature, place a large salad bowl, add the rice, the green leaves, the pumpkin cubes and the cheese. Drizzle the vinaigrette and toss. To finish, sprinkle the roasted cashews over the top.
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