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    Pumpkin hummus

    Pumpkin is a must in my kitchen. It’s a delicious, creamy and sweet ingredient. It’s versatile. You can use pumpkin either for savoury or sweet dishes. It is easy to digest, is a good source of fibre and Vitamin A, potassium and magnesium. It’s also low in calories, antioxidant, has benefits for a good vision and a healthy cardiovascular system and it’s an affordable product.


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    200 grs cooked chickpeas (reserve 2 tbsp of cooking water)
    400 grs butternut squash
    2 garlic cloves
    4 tbsp tahini
    1 squeezed lemon
    2 tbsp sesame oil
    2 tbsp EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
    1 tsp dried chili
    1 tsp sesame seeds
    A pinch of salt
    1 tbsp toasted pumpkin seeds



    Roast the ingredients and blend

    Roast the pumpkin and the garlic on a preheat oven 220°C for about 20 minutes. Cool and grab a blender to mix altogether with the chickpeas.
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    Season and mix the rest of ingredients

    Add 2 tbsp of the chickpeas water, EVOO, salt, lemon juice, tahini and mix all the ingredients until you have a smooth cream.
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    -Serve with a drizzle of sesame oil, sesame and pumpkin seeds and chili flakes.
    -Enjoy it with crudités and toasted pita or flat bread.

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