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    Potato gnocchi

    This recipe is a family must at home. My mum makes it every 29th of the month. This is a tradition many people follow. Here I give you a brief summary about it.

    In Argentina, on the 29th of every month, many people have “ñoquis or gnocchi” for lunch or dinner.

    There are different versions, but the most modern and popular one is that it’s a tradition stablished since the first Italian immigrants arrived to the country in the early 1800s.

    The 29th is at the end of the month. By that time, many of them were waiting for their wages to arrive. With just a few coins on their pockets, a meal made from flour and potatoes was a cheap and convenient option.

    There is also a kind of tradition (or superstition) related to this meal. Consists in place money underneath your plate while you eat, and then carrying it with you. It’s said to bring good luck. We should try it to see what happens!


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    Adjust Servings
    4 medium size potatoes
    1 egg
    1 and 1/2 cup flour (depending on the potatoes you will need a little more or less flour)
    A pinch of salt
    A pinch of nutmeg
    A twist of ground black pepper



    Boil the potatoes and mash

    Place a pot with 3/4 water, wash the potatoes properly, add to the pot and bring to a boil and cook until soft and tender (about 25/30 minutes). When cooked, drain the potatoes, let them cool a bit and peel. Mash them well. Add a pinch of salt, pepper, nutmeg and the egg, and mix together.
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    Make the dough

    Now is time to add the flour. Mix with your hands, until the dough starts to clump together. Transfer to a floured surface and knead the dough (a couple of minutes) just until the ingredients are well incorporated and the texture is soft and a little sticky.
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    Roll the dough and slice the gnocchi

    Roll the dough into sausages about 2 cm in diameter. Then slice the gnocchi (about 2 cm each). Roll each piece down with the back of a fork or you can leave them like this. The first option will help the sauce to stick better.
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    Time to cook and add sauce

    Cook the gnocchi in a pot of boiling water for about 2 minutes. As soon as they come up to the surface they will be ready. Remove them with a slotted spoon and serve with your desire sauce. In this case I've made a fresh tomato passata with a touch of garlic and fresh basil.
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