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    Melon soup

    When summertime starts, I love to enjoy the seasonal produce. Melon is one of them and this cold soup is refreshing and delicious for a warm day.


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    Adjust Servings
    400 grs melon
    100 grs water
    20 grs raw almonds (soaked)
    2 Serrano ham thin slices
    1/2 tbsp vinegar
    A pinch of salt
    A twist of pepper
    Extra Virgen Olive Oil (EVOO)
    Peppermint or mint (optional)
    Garlic powder or garlic clove (optional)



    Prepare the almonds

    Soak the almonds for at least 2 or 3 hours. As long as you do it, the better to make them softened.
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    Blend the ingredients

    Peel the melon and remove the seeds. Add all the ingredients, except of the ham slices and peppermint, to a blender or food processor and crush and blend until you get a thin and silky soup. Rectify seasoning if necessary and take it to the fridge.
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    Make the ham chips

    Now, is time to make the Serrano ham chips. Lay them between 2 paper sheets on a baking tray and bake in a preheated oven at 180ºC for about 20 minutes. To make them crunchy you should let them cool.
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    Time to serve and enjoy

    Serve with the Serrano ham flakes, a few drops or EVOO and if desire, peppermint leaves.
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