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    Chocolate cookies with chocolate & hazelnut spread

    1:00 hour


    6 - 8

    This is one of my child’s delights. I make them once a in a while, as a sweet treat.

    A chocolate cookie with chocolate and hazelnut spread recipe. Easy to make and delicious!


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    150 grs flour
    40 grs dark cacao powder
    100 grs softened butter
    1/2 tbsp salt
    60 grs icing sugar
    1 tbsp baking powder
    1 egg
    Chocolate and hazelnut spread



    Mix ingredients in a bowl

    In a bowl, mix the butter and the icing sugar. Add the egg and whisk until you have a smooth and creamy mixture. Add flour, cacao powder, salt and baking powder and knead the dough. Wrap in cling film and rest in the fridge por 30 minutes.
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    Preheat oven and shape the dough balls

    Preheat oven 180°C. Roll into small balls, lay them on a tray with baking paper and press down the center of each ball to make a hole (with your finger or bottom of a wooden spatula or spoon).
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    Bake and fill the cookies

    Bake for 15 minutes. When the cookies have cooled down, fill with the chocolate and hazelnut spread.
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