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    Chicken and cannellini beans casserole

    You can prepare this casserole with the proteins and legumes that you have at home. You can also use other veggies. But what you shouldn’t avoid is to add a sautéed of garlic, onion and red pepper. It will give it an aromatic and tasteful base to the casserole.

    In this case I used chicken and cannellini beans. I roasted a whole chicken and I reserved a tender and juicy breast. Following with the “trash cooking” (rest of edible food turning into a new dish), I prepared a litre of chicken stock with the carcass and some chunks of veggies. You can freeze and use it for any dish, as I did with this recipe.

    If you like, have a look at the Marinated roast chicken here: Marinated roast chicken recipe


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    1 carrot
    1 sweet potato
    1 large potato
    1 small onion
    1/4 red bell pepper
    2 garlic cloves
    2 bay leaves
    750 ml chicken stock
    1 chicken breast (roasted in this case)
    A pinch of dried chili
    300 grs cannellini beans (weight cooked)
    2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
    1 tbsp Sesame oil
    1 tsp sesame seeds



    Sautée onion, red pepper and garlic

    Place a sauce pan on medium heat, add 2 tbsp EVOO and sauté onion and red pepper in brunoise (1-3mm). After 3-4 minutes, add the chopped garlic and cook for a couple of minutes more. (In case you don’t have the roasted chicken breast previously made, now it will be time to add the raw chicken chunks and to sear them for a few minutes).
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    Prepare the rest of veggies

    Add a tbsp of sesame oil to the pan, with the carrot, sweet potato and potato cutted in dices. Cook for a couple of minutes while stirring. Then, add the stock, bay leaves, herbs and spices. Reduce heat, cover and cook for about 40 minutes
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    Add the cannellini beans and chicken

    To finish, add the beans, the chicken chunks (in case you have used roasted chicken cooked in advance), stir and cook for 5 minutes. Rectify seasoning if necessary and serve with a few sesame seeds on top.
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