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    Mushrooms, an unknown gem for the body

    My cooking is mostly based on the Mediterranean diet. I use lots of plant-based produce. And mushrooms are always in the “must have” list.

    Do you eat mushrooms? How often do you include them in your diet? Do you have them cooked, raw, in soups, creams, sauces, salads, sautée…?

    Mushrooms are not only a delicious ingredient in the kitchen, they also have many good properties and nutritional value for our body.


    Benefits and properties:

    -Mushrooms are a great source of fiber, proteins and minerals.

    -Vitamin D and B, Calcium, Potassium, Iron and antioxidants.

    -Boost our inmune system.

    -Are low in calories and have 0 cholesterol.

    -Contain antibiotic and antifungal properties.

    -Are prebiotics, providing good benefits for our gut, balancing and nourishing our gut bacteria.

    -Help to control the blood sugar levels and to maintain bones strong.


    Even the fresh organic mushrooms are the best option to eat regularly, you can also have dried mushrooms or preserved.

    You should be trained to identify the edible mushrooms. Some wild ones are toxic, not suitable for humans to eat. Buy them from your confident supermarket, farm or grocery shop or if you fancy to grow your own, go for it!


    There are many different varieties of mushrooms. The most used in gastronomy are:

    -White mushrooms





    -Oyster mushrooms


    -Milk caps

    If you would like to increase the mushroom intake or if you are looking for ideas and inspiration to prepare a dish with this great ingredient, have a look at Recipes.

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