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    Do you like cherries? Do you know that a cup of cherries has less than 100 calories and lots of nutrients and good properties for your health?

    Cherries are a great source of fiber, are rich in Potasium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin C and B4.

    Their main properties are:

    -High in antioxidants, protect our cells from free radicals and oxidants and have heart protective properties. Help prevent to hypertension.

    -Anti-inflammatory effects, some initial studies may show benefits for arthritis and gout.

    -Melatonin, improves your sleep quality.

    -Specially tart cherry products derivatives (juice and powder), may reduce muscle damage and soreness and can boost exercise recovering.

    You can add cherries to your diet in many ways. In savoury and sweet dishes.


    These are a few ideas:

    -In pies or tarts.

    -Smoothies and juices.

    -In your trail mix and on yogurt with granola.

    -As a snack or in a fruit salad.

    -Preserved cherries for a toast or tart.

    -As a cherry sauce for a roasted lamb, turkey or chicken.

    -Frozen, fresh or dried… and however you like to use them.


    If you are in cherry season, during summertime, don’t miss them!

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